Happy Mother's Day!
A bittersweet post this week as Zoe lost her Great Grandmother.
We hope Zoe inherited Great Grandmom's green thumb and her love of animals.
This week's post is written in her memory
Lots of updates this week.
Zoe has learned how to sit up on her own --
in the crib, on the changing table, and on the floor.
The world looks so much better right-side up! |
And today she surprised us by STANDING in the crib after her morning nap.
There's no stopping her now.
(Yes, she was crying. Standing is scary, y'all)
Zoe also crawls like a champ.
She scoots around the floor at will,
so it appears we got the house Zoe-proofed just in time.
Zoe's favorite time of the day is when she gets to go for a walk with Mommy.
Look how happy she is to be outside!
Zoe's list of nouns is ever-growning. She knows what a walk is, what horses are,
and now, thanks to our friends, John and JJ, what PUPPIES ARE!
Dad! PUPPIES!!! |
Zoe isn't smiling because she felt bad not wearing a hat. |
...so she got a hat. |
Zoe can now play on the floor. Supervised, of course.
But if you take your eyes off her too long she starts looking for trouble.
Hmm...dead end. |
Zoe is now a a carnivore. Here she is eating...well, she's eating the bowl.
But INSIDE the bowl is turkey, potatoes, and carrots.
Nom nom nom. |
But her favorite thing to eat are books.
Specifically Candide.
Not sure why she loves Voltaire so much.
I guess his characters are just delicious.
Maybe she's just a huge fan of satire. |
Anyway, now that Zoe is moving around (and about to stand) we decided to buy a rug.
This one came with a baby!!!