Friday, August 22, 2014

Day 6

Just a couple more pics -- we had a busy day yesterday, including a visit from Sol and Marcia Stone who brought smiles and love...and some beautiful gifts, too!

Marcia and Zoe

Sol, Grandpa, Daddy, and Zoe

Zoe was excited to watch her first Steeler football game.  She doesn't care that it's only preseason, or that we lost to the Eagles.  I mean...look at that smile.

After all that excitement, it's time for a nap.

Nobody can resist falling asleep on the green couch.  Nobody.  


  1. So cute!!! Totally makes Cousin Bekki want to book a plane ticket.

  2. Great pictures. It's nice that her extended family can stop by and visit her. She looks great in that little Steelers onesie and all cuddled up in the little blanket with Mommy.

  3. So great to see a new post.
    Maybe Grammie and I can fall asleep on the green couch too
