Week 9 we said goodbye to Grammie and Aunt Sue who flew all the way
from New York to meet the little Princess.
Zoe was exhausted from entertaining but we had such a lovely visit and
felt very fortunate to have them as guests.
Hey, it's Hollywood. Gotta do a photo shoot, right?
They also got to see Dream (Lori's most favorite horse) showing off in the corral next to our home.
But with every goodbye, life gives us another chance to say hello.
(that's not a saying but it should be)
Aunt Amy came to visit from Texas!!!
Zoe's put on 50% of her birth weight and her neck strength (at 9 weeks) astonished her doctor.
Also, she knows that Mom's the best.
Zoe made sure Aunt Meme (as she's known) had plenty of time for stargazing.
Most importantly, Zoe learned how to smile.
The best part of my day is waking up and holding Zoe as she first opens her eyes.
She must have good dreams each night because she favors me with the most beautiful smiles.
It melts my heart.
Great smiles!