Life's good here in Burbank.
Jake is now 4 months old!
He's full of laughs and smiles -- even at his 4-month checkup!
(well, for most of it...)
He loves to look at everything around him and
soak up all there is to see.
And he's started to be ticklish which is now a
favorite past time for us...and hopefully for him as well.
Most importantly Jake has tremendous patience for his occasionally
absentee parents while we run around the house like crazy people
doing laundry and doing dishes and doing more laundry...
He seems to handle all of it in stride.
He's developed a real fondness for his exercise mat.
He's even started grabbing and holding onto the toys overhead.
And Zoe is always close by, talking to Jake and making him laugh.
Ready to dive in and help at a moment's notice.
He's fascinated by her and absolutely loves her attention.
Zoe is the happiest when she's outside.
Zoe and Daddy go for runs together and on some evenings
the four of us take long walks through the neighborhood with
Zoe scooting ahead on her scooter.
But she always stops to lay down on some grass
and appreciate being outside.
and appreciate being outside.
We feel so fortunate to have so much green space around us
for her to enjoy.
Sometimes she takes Jake out for some fun in the sun.
And, like her parents, she's quite the runner.
Check it out for yourself (she's the little speck in the distance):
Zoe has also developed quite the green thumb.
She and Mommy still go to Garden Sprouts together.
Zoe and Daddy have been going to the zoo for class on the weekends.
One day she ran into PJ Masks there!
But mostly we've been hanging out and playing lots of games together.
Sometimes Zoe just gets likes to get dressed up.
It's birthday season and Zoe got to go to Evie's birthday party
at a local kid's gym.
Safe to say she loved it.
Ever independent, while the other kids were playing together,
Zoe ran off to play by herself.
Zoe ran off to play by herself.
In fairness, it's a lot easier to make baskets when nobody is playing defense.
But she LOVED the Zip Line.
Later that same day we had another bday party back at the yellow house...
this time for Mama and about 40 of her closest friends.
this time for Mama and about 40 of her closest friends.
Seemed like an appropriate number.
All the parties got Zoe in the mood to have friends over.
So she and Latham got together for some splashy-splashy time outside.
And then came back in for some reading time.
The next day we got all lathered up in sun screen and went to the
Great Big Family Play Day.
Hundreds of vendors had set up booths with tons of fun stuff
like these super fun play noodles!
And so many bubbles!
Even Jake had fun!
Zoe and Ariel became fast friends.
They loved dancing to the Jazz music!
Remembering how much fun she had with her cousins in NY,
Zoe couldn't wait to go on the rides.
Next up was a adventure Mommy was especially excited about.
We went to the Jim Henson Exhibition at the Skirball center.

...and saw some old friends!
They were bigger than I'd imagined.
Zoe even got to try her hand (literally) at some puppetry!
It's hard to stay hidden with short arms and long pigtails.
But the big adventure was a trip to Silver Strand in Oxnard... see Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Deb, and Uncle Brian
Everyone was so happy to spend a wonderful week together
smiling and laughing and making new memories together.
The house was beautiful and just steps from the beach!
We made sure to go every day.

Even Jake loved sticking his toes in the sand.
And hanging out with Grandpa.
Zoe loved playing in the surf with Daddy.
We'd run to the water, then run from the waves.
Her favorite game was jumping over the incoming waves.
Zoe is also a master sand sculptur.
Starshine came to visit and wore her best shoes!
And Zoe filled her days with arts and crafts.
Here is a self-portrait she did!
But mostly we just relaxed and had fun.
Just so many beautiful smiles.
The night of the 4th of July, we sat on a breakwater and watched the
fireworks over the harbor. Zoe was entranced.
And, shortly before leaving, Jake tries his first real food...
...some bread from a local Italian restaurant.
He loved it!
But all too soon the sun set on our visit and it was time to go.
Such a beautiful spot.
Can't wait to go back!
Well, that's about it from here.
Oh, one more thing.
Thanks for looking!
absolutely wonderful. Many milestones and exciting times seemed to be had by all. Everyone is so blessed by each other and just love all the smiles.