Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit!

Hi, everyone!
Zoe has something very exciting to share...


It had been almost six months since she saw them (outside of video chat) 
and she was so excited to see them!

And look -- AUNT DEB CAME, TOO!

Zoe loved all the attention and wanted to show them everything she's learned.
Like how to walk...

...and how to use her hands...

...and how to read...

...and how to smile

Grandpa knows how to smile, too.

Zoe thinks Grandpa looks much better in 3D.

We had a great time and Zoe loved hanging out with her family.

Hey everyone...look over here!

Zoe loves her Aunt Deb.

...and Aunt Deb's shiny laptop.

Sol and Marcia came to visit and brought Zoe a beautiful book and some lovely oranges!

For the past month, Zoe has been fascinated with the process of drinking water. 
She watches us intently, her eyes big and focused as we tip the glass to our lips.

Marcia noticed this, and offered Zoe some water.
We were all surprised when...

She took her first sip!
Another milestone!

We also got to take lots of walks...

 The world is such an exciting place to explore! 
Zoe thinks it's fun to see new things like leaves!

Daddy finds beauty in the unspoiled innocence of childhood.

One of the dangers of living in our neighborhood is getting photobombed by a horse.

You ever get that feeling like you're being...watched?

Other than that, it's just been a lot of silliness and laughter.

Keeping Zoe happy is a tough job...here she has a toy in each hand AND in her mouth!

Thanks for looking!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

6 Months / Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's day to you, and happy 6 MONTHS to Zoe!

Zoe tried (and loved) lots of new kinds of food this week including broccoli...

Zoe said broccoli is good for her complexion.
Not sure she understood she was supposed to EAT it and not rub it into her face...

 She's still a member of the clean plate club

Grammie and Grandad gave Zoe a fun horse toy and she loves it!

Now they're best friends.

She's always smiling and always in motion.  Want to see proof?


We found a picture of some horses and asked for Zoe's expert advice.

She was understandably impressed.

We think Zoe's teeth are about to come in and she finds great comfort chewing 
on the refrigerated heads of popular Sesame Street characters. 

The Lenzner-Certos gave Zoe the cutest rabbit blanket and she posed for a picture, post-bath.

Which brings us to Valentine's Day.

Zoe, who is right-handed AND right-footed used all her limbs to help open the gift.

Searching for more gifts...with her foot.

The following is a photographic series I have named, 
"Mmmmm...Mmmmm...Delicious Valentine's Day Card.  Volume One."

Prints are available at the gift shop.

Then she got to the gift itself.

First, she tasted the sticker...

Then tasted the paper...

Look -- a stuffed monkey that says, "Zoe!"

She approves.

Zoe says thanks for looking and keep smiling!