Sunday, April 19, 2015

Zoe Turned 8 (months), Daddy Turned 38 (not months)

Happy 8 months, Zoe!

Lots of milestones and a few birthdays this week.

Daddy had one, and so did Grammie!
Zoe wore a special shirt for the special day.

Zoe loves being outside.

We plan on starting swim lessons soon and Little Miss Disney Princess 
wanted to check out our pool ahead of time.

 We've officially started running again (not that Lori needs it -- look at her!) 
and, now that Zoe is 8 months, we can use the running stroller.

Zoe feels the need...the need for speed.

Zoe's first tooth is coming in and this week brought us a few rough nights.

Mommy and Daddy have spent a few nights sleeping in chairs.

You might be able to see her tooth (lower, middle) in this series of pics...

Mommy and Zoe like to play a game where Zoe leans forward and peeks at Mommy in the mirror.

I see you...

Zoe thinks it's a lot of fun.

Other than that we've just been horsing around.

 Also, we've Zoe-proofed the railings and stairs.  

There is plexi on the sections that are horizontal to the ground, 
and netting on the railings that go at a diagonal.

We hoped it would be safe but subtle and are happy with the results.

We hope you get a chance to kick off your shoes and feel the sun on your feet!
Wishing you a happy week!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Grandad -- Week 2

Well, things sure went downhill fast.


No, just kidding. 
Her first tooth is breaking through so she's teething on anything cold.

Besides, Zoe's much more of a Vodka / Redbull fan.

Grandad and Zoe are having a blast hanging out for a second week.
The party just keeps getting more fun!

Yeah, that tickles.  I mean, that's what Zoe told me.  I don't know for myself.

 We spend lots of time together around our dining room table.

Zoe loves all the fun noises and faces Grandad makes.

They're getting along famously.

Sometimes Mommy joins in the fun.

3 Generations of happy.

 Aunt Meme sent an Easter package for Zoe.

This is going to be good.  I just know it...

She loves it -- thanks, Aunt Meme!

 Grandad, Mommy, and Zoe keep having 'photogenic' contests.

I think everyone wins.

Zoe doesn't need to be read to anymore. 
She knows "Peekaboo Forest" by heart.
A little pre-dinner reading.

Title:  Pure Joy.             Photo Credit: Grandad
All these toys are great...but where's the box Aunt Meme's gift came in?  That was FUN!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter! (and a very special visitor!)


Look what we found in our basket!

Zoe got the BEST Easter gift of all...


Hooray!  Zoe loves her Grandad!

Grandad knows lots of fun he's asking if Zoe wants to fly.

She said yes.

And he's got the most interesting thing under his nose...

And gives the best hugs.

Sometimes Grandad's hugs are so good Zoe falls asleep.

Zoe is so happy Grandad came to visit.

She loves to stand.

This is how she "kisses."  She yells really loud and eats your nose.
It's wonderful.

Zoe loves giving hugs now.  Here she is hugging Daddy.

She's even perfect the 'hug from the back.'

Hey, this guy's pretty comfortable!

And she loves playing with her toy horses.

Here she is playing "eat the horsey's nose."

And here she is playing, "eat the horsey's ear."

Speaking of eating horse ears, Grandad and Daddy went to Pink's Hotdogs!

Daddy got the spicy Polish dog on the left.  And something else about 12 hours later...

Grandad also goes for walks with Zoe and Mommy.

Zoe always remembers to stop and enjoy what's around her.

But it's EASTER!  Let's get to the good stuff!

Hey, Zoe -- guess what Grammie and Grandad got you...

It's too bad she never smiles.


Look at that face.

Oh, boy!

Thanks, Grandad!

Keeping the tradition strong.

Zoe loves to read about Thumper!

Grandad teaches Zoe how to carry things by the ear.  She's a quick learner.

So Zoe decided to teach Grandad how to drum.

He was surprised she'd ask.

Zoe thinks Grandad was a pretty quick learner, too.

This is the Burbank chapter of the Los Angeles Drum Circle.

Then Grandad went for the big finish...
Cymbal crash.

...and now some bonus Easter pics!

I couldn't think of a clever segue so ... here's another pic!
Don't know why but I love this one.

See you next week!