Sunday, September 28, 2014

Lazy Sunday

Zoe and Mommy (and Daddy) went for a lovely evening stroll tonight.

We saw lots of animals the ladies got to try out the new Zoe carrier.

Then we came home and Zoe tried on a very special outfit.
This is what Mommy wore home from the hospital in June of 1978.
Knitted with love by Zoe's Grammie.

Then we got (for my money) the best picture of Zoe yet.

Photo credit by Daddy.  Please let me know if you want the original emailed to you -- happy to send.

Friday, September 26, 2014

She's 6!!! (weeks)

Quite the exciting week.
Zoe turned 6 weeks old today and spent the evening with her parents reminiscing about all the new things she experienced this week.

A few days ago, Zoe took her first bottle.

Why are you taking my picture?  It's just a bottle...

Zoe also had lots of Tummy Time this week.  This pic is from earlier in the week before she could do back flips.
We keep accidentally deleting those pictures, but I swear she's doing them.

Then Zoe's Great Grandmom sent a beautiful bunny to keep her company.

They are doing an impression of each other.

And this was today -- happy 6 weeks!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Zoe at 5 weeks

 This week Zoe has started to develop better motor control.  Her eyes follow us wherever we go (mostly they follow Mama) and she can reach out and grab things with her shockingly strong fingers.
She cries much less than she used to and we're having lots of 'play' time with her between feedings.

So far she loves spending time in the various chairs and swings, and she loves laying on her back while Daddy plays with her legs and feet.

Zoe in her bouncy chair 

Zoe in her rocker -- wearing the very same PJ's her mom wore 35 years earlier!

We're also trying to get her to sleep in her crib better.  
Sometimes she lets us swaddle her for more than a few ear-splitting minutes.

Zoe swaddled in her Nuna Sena

And sometimes she just crashes out.  

I love this last pic -- this is her on a boppy pillow (U-shaped) with my hand supporting her head from falling into the middle.  

I love how each of her limbs is doing something different...and she slept like this for over 15 minutes until her parents woke her up with their laughter.

She's practicing for college.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Happy one month!

Well, somehow it's been 4 whole weeks since this little bundle of joy made her world premiere.

To celebrate, we did a little photo shoot:

...and here's a little pic of Mommy and Zoe after all the excitement.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Good morning, sunshine!

Zoe had a phenomenal night of sleep (as did we!) and woke up bright eyed and peaceful this morning.  Her eyes immediately went to Mama...and she didn't look away.

We knew what she wanted...a portrait!

Look at those big eyes

Monday, September 1, 2014

9/1 Picture Update

Well, Grandma and Grandpa have come and gone, but we truly enjoyed their 2-week visit and Zoe can't wait to show them how much she's grown when they return in February.

Here are some pics from the past week: