Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

It's Father's Day!


This week Zoe is preparing for tooth #5 (front, left) and Mommy and Daddy
are doing their best to give her comfort when they can.

She's happiest when standing and we are confident she'll be walking soon.

Zoe is also comfortable exploring the bounty of books and toys we've 
assembled for her entertainment.

Here she is reading by herself.  

Mommy snapped this pic of Zoe emptying a basket of toys...
but apparently one toy wanted to hang around. 

While Zoe was playing with a magazine, Daddy turned on the video 
to capture her playing. 

Unfortunately, Daddy's BRIGHT LIGHT also came on, and Zoe noticed.
Here's what happened (love the double-take). 

Daddy and Zoe went for a morning walk and stopped by Zoe's favorite purple flowers.

Zoe was happy to meet a new friend there.

Then we walked to the Equestrian Center and said hello to so many pretty horses...

...that Zoe got a little tuckered out.

Of course that's (in part) because of all the excitement on TV.

Mom!  Come look!

The most exciting news is that Zoe decided it was time to go for a swim.

I make this wetsuit look AWESOME!

Mommy and Zoe put on their bathing suits and headed to the pool.

Mommy kicked off her sandals and she and Zoe entered the pool.

The flags are to discourage ducks from having their own pool parties.

It didn't take long for Zoe to figure out SHE LOVES THE POOL!

Mommy helped Zoe swim for the first time.

From her baths, Zoe is already very good at "splash-splash-splash."

What feels better than a little sun on your face while playing in the pool?

Mommy and Zoe had a blast swimming together.

Zoe couldn't stop smiling.

Relaxing on her back

Our little fish had so much fun with Mommy.

Zoe's favorite part was when Mommy would lift her in the air.

Look at that face

What a fun day!

Monday, June 15, 2015

10 Months!


Zoe likes what's behind door #2 (which is mostly rice and frozen pizza...and a monkey).

Another week of smiles and new discoveries.

Zoe has learned all sorts of new tricks.  
She loves pulling all the toys out of a container, all the clothes out of a hamper, 
and all the books off of shelves.

She does so with a laser focus that she could only have inherited from her mother.

She is perfecting the art of "Cute Manipulation" and leans her head to the side
and bats her long eyelashes at us.  We coo and laugh and are probably ruining any chance
of raising a daughter who will listen when we finally say, "no."

Zoe also learned how to answer the question:  "HOW BIG IS ZOE?"

Her go-to answer is to raise her hands up over her head.

Soooooo big!

Finally, Mommy uploaded this video of Zoe's newest trick.  We call it blabblabblabblabblah.

Zoe's daily tour of neighborhood friends almost always includes Oni -- this beautiful
Husky who (at one point) was smaller than Zoe.  

Not anymore.

Zoe and Oni are old friends.

And speaking of puppies, Kari and Dan came over with two special friends...

Ripley and Edi!

We took a long walk together and then went for ice cream.

Zoe thought it would be fun to help hold up the umbrella in case there was wind.

Then everyone came back to our place to play on the floor together.

Zoe thought that was just fine.

Daddy is always trying to come up with new ways to distract Zoe from 
tearing the house apart.  Here he made a baby burrito.

Smiles come free with every order!

Hey, Zoe...guess what?

Our friends YJ and Patrick are coming over and they are bringing Anna with them!

Zoe had met Anna when they were newborns but it's been a few months 
so we decided to have a little reunion.

At this point, Zoe is still unsure.

It took a little while for them to get used to each other.

Seriously, Dad.  Whatever I did...I'm sorry, okay?

Anna testing out her lungs.

Zoe learned a hard lesson that day -- she's not the only child in existence.

Some tears were shed.

Eventually they got used to each other.

Everyone keeps talking to Anna...

I'm just going to hang out over here...

Wait -- Dad's got the camera.  Gotta be cute...

A pic for all of you who bet on "Ballerina"

Babies down...

Babies UP

Eventually they divided up the toys between them.

Okay, you get the animals, I'll take this...

And now they're best friends!

That's it for this week.

If you're looking for Zoe, she'll be raiding the freezer.