Friday, September 26, 2014

She's 6!!! (weeks)

Quite the exciting week.
Zoe turned 6 weeks old today and spent the evening with her parents reminiscing about all the new things she experienced this week.

A few days ago, Zoe took her first bottle.

Why are you taking my picture?  It's just a bottle...

Zoe also had lots of Tummy Time this week.  This pic is from earlier in the week before she could do back flips.
We keep accidentally deleting those pictures, but I swear she's doing them.

Then Zoe's Great Grandmom sent a beautiful bunny to keep her company.

They are doing an impression of each other.

And this was today -- happy 6 weeks!!!

1 comment:

  1. 6 weeks is a great milestone!!
    Grammie keeps asking me to start packing but I keep procrastinating but am definitely looking forward to seeing and holding Zoe.
