Friday, August 12, 2016

July 2016 -- Grandma and Grandpa came to visit!

Happy July! 
(even though it's now August...sorry, Daddy's been busy with a new job).

Zoe is nearly TWO and she's growing up so much!

Our little angel is a talker!

She's got lots of new words and she loves to share them all!

We still love going for walks around the neighborhood together.

One afternoon Zoe surprised me by grabbing my hat and twisting 
it around backwards.

Exactly the way I used to wear hats when I was younger.

Mama's friend, Liz, came to visit and they explored Los Angeles together!

They even went to visit a space shuttle and Zoe kept yelling,

(in fairness, I'm told the Astronauts did the same thing)

She was right.

We've kept some of Zoe's toys from her youth and 
this month she tried them out, now that she's a big girl.

For reference, about a year ago:

But let's come back to 2016 because 

Zoe was so happy to see them!

She's been video chatting with them each weekend, but 
this is so much better!

She was so happy she offered to pick up dinner one night.

Or at carry it. 

Grandma and Grandpa rented a beach house and we all went to visit!

Occasionally Dada and Zoe got some alone time with the ocean.

Zoe quickly found the piano and couldn't wait to start playing.

Grandma came to help teach her how to play.

Then Grandpa joined the band!

Grandpa quickly figured out that any good band needs...


So he decided to teach Zoe how to play.

Check out how well she did!


Then it was time for some Grandpa Horsey rides.

Add in some hugs from Grandma...

And, of course, lots of reading.

And a little play-doh moustache action...

And you have the perfect recipe for vacation!

The next morning we went to a playground together.

Nobody swings like Grandpa.

Back in LA, Zoe discovered that she loves super-strong garlic sauce.

Sorry to any of you who guessed, "VAMPIRE."

And she found some boots and just had to try them on!

She also discovered the joys of corn on the cob.

I like that she's holding it like a running back holds a football.

And, someday someone will erect statue of "Zoe holding Watermelon."

I'll leave you with a video of Zoe going down a slide.

Time to get some sleep...her birthday party is in the morning!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent as usual.... Love all the facial expressions and so glad she has so much to enjoy. She really does strike some great chords on that guitar.
